Spot Transactions
Secure an exchange rate today either by phone, email or through our online platform.
How it works
A spot contract allows you to exchange one currency to another in line with the current market exchange rates. Simply agree an exchange rate, deposit your funds and we’ll send the exchanged currency to your desired beneficiary.
Register for free
Register for a free account by completing our online form. It will only take a minute.
Secure exchange rate
Once your account is set-up, agree an exchange rate with us by phone, email or online.
Deposit funds
Once we’ve your exchanged your currency, you’ll need to deposit your funds at a credit institution with one of our FCA-regulated Partners.
Send your payment
As soon as your funds are received, we'll make your desired payment to your required beneficiary.
Other products
Forward Contracts
Secure an exchange rate for a period of time for protection from adverse currency movements.
Market orders
Target favourable exchange rates by setting a desired rate you’d like to achieve. If reached, this is fulfilled automatically.
Online platform
Exchange your currency and make payments during the working week wherever you are.